U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce provides helpful information for small businesses.
Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration has vital information pertaining to payroll, including a Small Business Newsletter that is distributed free of charge by email.
Dept of Labor (DOL) poster compliance
Federal and State governments require that businesses display certain posters pertaining to various labor laws, minimum wage laws, etc. Publishing companies routinely mail notices to small businesses implying that to be in compliance you should buy the posters from them. Their product is nicely laminated and attractive to display. However, it is not necessary to purchase these posters. They are available free of charge. Visit the DOL website to obtain your copy or call (888) 972-7332. Your State website also provides free posters that meet their requirements, and a State link can be found at the IRS website. After downloading and printing the posters, enclose them in vinyl sheet protectors (if your environment is dusty) and
display on your bulletin board.
Internal Revenue Service http://www.irs.gov/
The IRS website contains helpful info on numerous topics. It contains good articles about self-employed individuals and business expenses versus personal expenses. Small business forms and publications are also available.
The official business link to the U.S. government has new search features and content to help small business owners find information.
Business owners can now access information on starting and managing a business, including licenses, permits and regulatory information, on more than 9,000 state, territory, county, and city government Web sites.
Small businesses often lack the financial resources or knowledge to protect their intellectual property. This site provides info about patents, trademarks and copyrights.
Michelle Woodard ~ mw@michellewoodard.net or/ mwoodard65@gmai.com
Phone: 978-870-7574